Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips Drops Bid for Re-election, Sets Sights on Presidential Race

In a surprising move, Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips has announced that he will not seek re-election to the House of Representatives, instead focusing his efforts on the race for the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential nomination. Phillips, a three-term congressman and millionaire businessman, believes that challenging President Biden in the primary would be a more productive use of his time.

In an interview with the Minnesota Star Tribune, Phillips stated that returning to Congress after challenging Biden would be “both unproductive and uncomfortable.” He expressed his desire to “pass the torch” to another candidate and intends to remain in the presidential race beyond Minnesota’s June filing deadline.

“It would be irresponsible to continue to string both my constituents along and the other candidates who have entered the race and might be interested in entering the race,” Phillips explained. While serving Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District has been “the most joyful experience” of his life, he believes it is time for a change and is optimistic about the future.

Phillips’ decision comes shortly after he made headlines with comments about Vice President Kamala Harris. In an interview with The Atlantic, he expressed doubts about Harris’ ability to succeed Biden if necessary. However, he later issued an apology, clarifying that his comments did not reflect his personal experience with the vice president and expressing his respect for her.

Despite concern over President Biden’s age and declining poll numbers compared to former President Donald Trump, Phillips’ challenge to the incumbent is expected to be a long shot in the race for the White House. Trump currently leads the primary polls on the Republican side.

The impact of faith voters on the 2024 presidential election is a topic of discussion, and First Baptist Church Senior Pastor Robert Jeffress weighed in on the matter. He shared his thoughts on the role of faith voters and delivered a Thanksgiving message, emphasizing the significance of their participation in shaping the outcome of the election.

As the 2024 campaign trail heats up, this development adds further intrigue to the political landscape. Stay tuned for the latest updates, exclusive interviews, and more at our digital election hub.

Brandon Gillespie is an associate editor at [publication]. Follow him on Twitter at @brandon_cg for politics content and the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail.

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