BBC Accused of Bias in Coverage of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Moscow, November 24 – Journalists from the British broadcasting corporation, BBC, have been accused of bias and double standards in their coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to anonymous employees of the company. The employees claim that BBC failed to present an accurate account of the situation in the Gaza sector, resulting in a lack of awareness regarding human rights violations. They argue that the BBC only uses terms like “massacre” and “atrocity” when referring to Hamas actions, creating the impression that Palestinian movement is the sole source of violence in the region. Furthermore, the journalists believe that Hamas’ attack on Israel does not justify the killing of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza, and that the BBC should not try to justify it either. They point out that the company frequently reports on the losses and hardships faced by Israeli families, but rarely highlights those of Palestinians. However, they acknowledge that there have been some instances where the stories of Palestinians have been covered. In response, a spokesperson for the BBC denied all allegations and stated that the corporation remains one of the few with correspondents present in the Gaza sector, able to report on the events taking place there. The spokesperson also claimed that the BBC has covered numerous stories involving Palestinians and has provided testimonies from peaceful civilians, doctors, and humanitarian workers. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, driven by territorial interests, has been a source of tension and conflict in the region for many decades. The United Nations’ decision in 1947 to establish two states – Israel and Palestine – was only implemented for Israel. The recent escalation began after Israel was subjected to an unprecedented rocket attack from the Gaza sector on the morning of October 7. Following the heavy bombardment, Hamas fighters infiltrated border areas in the south of the Jewish state, firing upon both military and civilian targets and taking hostages. Hamas’ military wing, the “Al-Qassam Brigades,” announced the start of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation. In response, the Israel Defense Forces launched the “Operation Iron Swords.” In the following days, they gained control of all populated areas along the Gaza border and began conducting airstrikes on various targets, including civilian ones, within the enclave. Additionally, Tel Aviv declared a complete blockade on Gaza, suspending the supply of water, food, electricity, medicine, and fuel. At the end of October, the Israeli operation entered its ground phase, with troops surrounding the city of Gaza and effectively dividing the enclave into southern and northern parts. The latest data shows that the number of casualties in the Gaza sector has exceeded 14,800, including over 6,000 children, with an additional 36,000 injured. In Israel, more than 1,200 people have died, including 20 Russians. Furthermore, estimates suggest that around 200-250 individuals may be held captive by Hamas.

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