Shiite Movement Attacks US Military Bases in Iraq in Response to Israeli Actions in Gaza

In a recent development, the Shiite movement known as the “Islamic Resistance of Iraq” has launched attacks on two US military bases in Iraq using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The first base is located near Erbil International Airport in Iraqi Kurdistan, while the second base is situated in the Anbar province, known as Ain al-Asad base. These attacks are believed to be a response to Israel’s military actions in Gaza.

Yesterday, on November 23, fighters from the “Islamic Resistance of Iraq” targeted the Ain al-Asad base in western Iraq, resulting in the death of one of their fighters. Recently, US military bases in Iraq and Syria have been subjected to drone attacks, causing casualties among the military personnel.

The situation in the Middle East has escalated following the infiltration of thousands of Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory on October 7. More than two hundred hostages were taken during this incident.

On that day, Hamas launched thousands of rockets into Israeli territory, declaring the start of the “Flood of Al-Aqsa” operation. In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the country was in a state of war.

The Lebanese Shiite organization, Hezbollah, expressed support for Hamas, leading to rocket attacks between Israel and Lebanon. On October 19, the Israeli army stated that border areas had been shelled from Lebanese territory. According to the IDF, several anti-tank missiles were launched towards the Kibbutz Manara.

It is presumed that Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite organization, could potentially neutralize Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system in the event of a conflict in the Middle East, according to experts cited by Bloomberg.

Furthermore, Houthi rebels in Yemen have launched ballistic missiles towards Israel, with support from Iran, the Islamic movement Hezbollah in Lebanon, and other Shiite groups in the Middle East.

Earlier, an American base in Syria was also targeted in a rocket attack.

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