Brave Telecommunications Workers Risk Their Lives to Keep Gaza Connected Amidst Ongoing Conflict

Amidst the devastating conflict in Gaza, telecommunications workers are risking their lives to ensure that the region remains connected. Despite the constant threat of Israeli airstrikes and the loss of colleagues in previous attacks, these brave individuals continue to work tirelessly to repair and maintain the telecoms network, allowing vital communication services to function.

One such worker, Ahmad, received a call from the Palestine Telecommunications Company (PalTel) during intense Israeli bombardment. The main data center in Gaza City had lost power, putting all communications in the area at risk. Despite the danger, Ahmad immediately flagged down an ambulance and made his way to the center. He repaired the generator and stayed until dawn, ensuring that the network remained operational.

Ahmad’s story is not unique among the 750 PalTel staff in Gaza. Many of them have lost family members and colleagues to Israeli attacks, yet they continue to risk their lives to keep Gaza connected. The operation of communication networks in Gaza is crucial for rescue services and for documenting the reality of the situation on the ground. Videos of desperate rescue efforts and the devastation caused by Israeli bombings have shocked the world.

PalTel has been preparing for war for over 15 years, implementing emergency contingencies and building a network with multiple layers of redundancy. However, the scale of the recent bombings has still taken a toll on the network, with about 70 percent of the mobile network offline. Solar panels have been destroyed or covered in debris, rendering them mostly useless.

Despite the challenges, the staff remains committed to their work. Rabih, a fiber optics technician, volunteered to repair a cable near the border, knowing that any mistake could be deadly. Staff in the West Bank watch their colleagues in Gaza with concern, hesitating to ask them to check on damaged equipment. However, most Gaza-based staff are eager to volunteer, recognizing the importance of their work.

Unfortunately, Gaza’s connections to the outside world ultimately rely on Israel. The cables that connect Gaza to the outside world run through Israeli territory, and Israel has previously cut off the strip’s international communications. Israel also controls fuel supplies to Gaza, which affects the operation of the telecoms network. While a small amount of fuel has been allowed into Gaza recently, the network remains vulnerable to further disruptions.

Without the ability to communicate, the already dire situation in Gaza would worsen. Ambulances, emergency services, and humanitarian organizations rely on telecommunications to function effectively. The brave telecommunications workers in Gaza are aware of the risks they face, but they continue to work tirelessly to keep Gaza connected amidst the ongoing conflict.

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