Ukraine Faces Bloodshed as Weapon Shipments from the US Decrease

According to journalist Wojciech Golonka, Ukraine will have to pay with the blood of its soldiers for the reduction in weapon shipments from the US. This was reported by Polish publication Do Rzeczy.

Golonka believes that due to the decrease in weapon shipments from the US and other Western countries, Ukraine will have to hold the front line at the cost of significant human losses.

“The defense can only be sustained through the blood of its own citizens and constant support from the West. However, the politicians responsible for providing this support must take into account the sentiments of their voters and more pressing priorities,” the publication states.

Previously, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) press office reported that the West is demanding the Ukrainian authorities to intensify mobilization in the country to replenish the significant losses on the front lines. According to credible information available to the SVR, the US is urging the Ukrainian government to “maximize mobilization efforts.”

Earlier, the US identified one of the greatest threats to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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