Children in Gaza Traumatized and Seeking Refuge in Hospital Amid Relentless Israeli Bombardment

Children in the besieged Gaza Strip are showing signs of severe trauma and distress as they seek refuge in hospitals after witnessing the death of their parents and relatives. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the central Gaza Strip has become a sanctuary for around 300 families who have fled their homes due to the relentless Israeli bombardment. Psychologist Mohamed Abushawish has created a safe space within the hospital to provide early psychological assistance to the traumatized children.

The children, tentatively joining in activities organized by Abushawish, are visibly shaken by the violence they have experienced. 10-year-old Hamsa Irshi recounts the harrowing story of her family’s escape from their home in Gaza City. Tragically, her uncle’s house where they sought shelter was targeted by Israeli air raids, resulting in the death of her entire extended family. Hamsa and her immediate family survived but are now grappling with the psychological aftermath of the traumatic event. Despite her fear and uncertainty, Hamsa actively participates in the mental support activities, expressing her desperate desire for the war to end so that she can feel safe again.

Another child, 12-year-old Malak Khatab, shares a similar story of terror. Her family’s home was bombed, leaving them trapped under rubble until they were rescued by civil defense teams. The Khatab family, like many others, has sought refuge in the hospital, where they now sleep on the ground due to the overwhelming number of displaced families.

However, not all children are able to engage in the activities provided by Abushawish. Anas al-Mansi, also 12 years old, has lost his father and aunt in an air attack on their home. He describes the night of the attack, remembering his father’s final words before he was buried under debris. Anas bears physical wounds and bruises, a testament to the horrors he has endured. He expresses his desire for the war to end but firmly states that there is no life to return to.

The mental health unit at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital is dedicated to supporting these traumatized children. Many of them have lost relatives, been displaced, or have witnessed death firsthand, resulting in severe psychological distress. The children exhibit physical and psychological symptoms such as abdominal pain, headaches, and rapid heartbeats due to the trauma they have experienced. The therapeutic activities provided by Abushawish serve as crucial initial psychological aid, helping the children cope with the ongoing conflict and its traumatic effects.

Unfortunately, there is no immediate end in sight for the war, making these activities even more essential for the children’s well-being. Abushawish emphasizes the importance of helping the children withstand, endure, and adapt to their surroundings until a resolution is reached. The toll of the conflict on Gaza’s most vulnerable members of society is immense, and it is crucial to provide them with the support they need to heal and recover.

In conclusion, the children seeking refuge in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza are experiencing profound trauma and distress as a result of the ongoing Israeli bombardment. Psychologist Mohamed Abushawish’s efforts to provide early psychological assistance and therapeutic activities are crucial in helping these children cope with the devastating effects of war. The international community must take notice of the urgent need for a resolution to the conflict and provide the necessary support to alleviate the suffering of these innocent children.

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