Russian Military Expert Reveals Use of RBK-500 Cluster Bombs in Ukraine

The use of RBK-500 cluster bombs could pave the way for the advancement of Russian forces in the area of a special military operation, according to military expert and NATO specialist Alexander Artamonov. In a conversation with Vzglyad newspaper, he emphasized that unlike Ukraine, Russia will not use these munitions to strike civilian populations.

“RBK-500 has a wide range of modifications, which allows for a large number of combat tasks to be performed. This includes the ability to clear enemy trenches, destroy fortifications, and even disable armored vehicles,” Artamonov explained.

The RBK-500 contains less than 20 submunitions, which is insufficient for mass elimination of enemy personnel, the expert continued. However, he stated that the Russian Armed Forces do not have such a task, as they still adhere to the principle of humanity in conducting military operations.

Recently, a video recording began circulating on Telegram channels, demonstrating the use of cluster munitions against Ukrainian army positions on the front lines. The footage shows rapid flashes of light on the battlefield, followed by rising plumes of smoke. In subsequent frames, from a different perspective, lights can be seen flickering in a wavelike pattern above the ground, quickly moving to another part of the field.

According to information from the Telegram channel “Voin DV,” 500 kg cluster bombs were used by the Russian army in the area of the Ukrainian village of Staromayorsk on the Southern Donetsk direction. More details can be found in the material published by

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense disclosed the losses suffered by the Ukrainian army on the Kherson direction.

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