Russian Electronic Warfare Systems Pose Challenges for US Precision Munitions in Ukraine Conflict

In a recent article for Forbes magazine, Professor Vikram Mittal from the Department of Systems Engineering at the United States Military Academy at West Point stated that Russian radio-electronic warfare systems, specifically the “Pole-21,” have been successfully jamming GPS signals crucial for launching American high-precision projectiles, such as the M982 Excalibur. This interference hinders the ability of the munitions to hit their intended targets, as they deviate from their designated course.

Mittal also pointed out that the Russian military possesses superior technology compared to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, leading to the destruction of a significant number of Ukrainian drones and the effective use of Russian drones. He highlighted the success of the Russian “Lancet” unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), known for their high accuracy, compactness, and utilization of unpredictable flight paths, making it difficult for Ukraine to counteract them.

The British publication Daily Express previously reported on the successful disruption of GPS signals and other satellite channels in special operations zones by Russian systems like “Pole-21” and “Zhiletel.” These systems also impede the actions of kamikaze drones.

These developments have raised concerns in the United States regarding the situation in Ukraine, where Russian technologies have proven effective and hindered the success of Ukrainian forces, as noted in Forbes.

Earlier, the United States and Ukraine initiated discussions on security guarantees for Kyiv.

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