Former California Police Officers Charged with Fraudulent Workers’ Compensation Claims

Two former California police officers, who are married, have been charged with multiple felonies in connection with their false workers’ compensation claims. Kendal Hurd, 40, and her husband, Kyle Hurd, 38, face charges of insurance fraud and perjury after allegedly collecting over $180,000 in disability money. The Orange County District Attorney’s Office announced the charges in a press release.

According to the authorities, the ex-Tustin police officers claimed to suffer from chronic back pain caused by wearing their belts and vests while on duty, which supposedly prevented them from working. However, video surveillance, as well as photos and videos taken by the couple, allegedly revealed that they led an active lifestyle, engaging in activities such as mountain biking, boating, scuba diving, and international travel.

The evidence obtained contradicted the couple’s claims of debilitating pain and raised suspicions. The City of Tustin initiated surveillance after the Hurds continued to receive medical care for their alleged condition without any signs of improvement.

During the investigation, it was discovered that Mr. Hurd had sent a text to a friend boasting about receiving unnecessary medical treatment, referring to himself as a “good actor.” Such fraudulent actions not only harm honest businesses and government entities but also erode public trust.

Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer condemned the couple’s actions, stating that workers’ compensation fraud results in losses of more than $30 billion annually. He emphasized that the Hurds, who were sworn to uphold the law, had instead breached the public’s trust.

If convicted on all counts, Mrs. Hurd faces a maximum sentence of 11 years in state prison, while Mr. Hurd faces a maximum sentence of nine years and six months.

The case highlights the significant financial impact of workers’ compensation fraud and the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions. It serves as a reminder that those entrusted with upholding the law should be held to the highest standards of integrity and honesty.

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