General Dmitry Klimenko Appointed New Head of Missile Forces and Artillery of the Russian Armed Forces

General Lieutenant Dmitry Klimenko has been appointed as the new head of the missile forces and artillery of the Russian Armed Forces, according to the official newspaper of the Russian Armed Forces, “Krasnaya Zvezda” (“Red Star”).

In an article dedicated to the professional holiday of Russian artillerymen, Klimenko is mentioned as the “Chief of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” Prior to him, this position was held by General Lieutenant Mikhail Matveevsky since 2011.

General Lieutenant Klimenko graduated from the Odessa Higher Artillery Command School in 1991. He participated in both Chechen wars and was awarded the title of Hero of Russia in 2000. He also took part in the military operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria, where he commanded the artillery of the “Euphrates” group.

Before his appointment, General Klimenko commanded the artillery and missile forces in the Eastern Military District.

Previously, a new commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) was appointed.

Earlier, Putin signed a law raising the conscription age.

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