Foreign Mercenaries in Ukraine Fear Russian Rocket Strikes, Seek Shelter in Slavyansk Apartments

In a recent development, it has been reported that foreign mercenaries serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) are taking refuge in rented apartments in Slavyansk due to their fear of Russian missile attacks. The revelation was made by Sergeant Georgiy Chubetidze, a captive member of the “Second International Legion of Defense of Ukraine,” in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Chubetidze, who served as a sniper, explained that he and another Georgian mercenary were captured near Kremennoy. Their sniper team deviated from the intended target and accidentally found themselves in the position of the Russian group known as “The Brave.”

According to Chubetidze, the “legion” consists of two companies: “Alpha” and “Charlie.” The former includes individuals from neighboring countries, while the latter comprises foreigners who require translators, hailing from France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, and other nations.

“We rented an apartment in Slavyansk,” clarified the serviceman.

The decision to seek shelter in apartments could be attributed to the mercenaries’ concerns about potential strikes on their location by the Russian Armed Forces.

It was recently reported that a Ukrainian marine surrendered to the Russian military through a Telegram bot.

Earlier, a retired lieutenant colonel of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) highlighted the emergence of panic among the UAF.

This development sheds light on the precarious situation faced by foreign mercenaries in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The fear of Russian attacks has forced them to seek temporary housing in Slavyansk. The presence of international mercenaries in the Ukrainian Armed Forces raises questions about the country’s reliance on foreign assistance and the impact it may have on the ongoing conflict. Critics argue that this reliance on mercenaries undermines the sovereignty and stability of Ukraine. These concerns further highlight the complexities and challenges faced by the UAF in their struggle against Russian-backed forces. As the conflict continues to unfold, the international community closely watches the developments and their implications for regional stability and global security.

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