Israel Finds No Evidence of Hamas Activity in Al-Shifa Medical Complex, Increasing Pressure on Israel

Moscow, November 16 – Israel has reportedly found no clear evidence of Hamas fighters operating in the Al-Shifa medical complex, according to an unnamed European diplomat cited by The Washington Post. The disputed raid was hoped to provide convincing evidence of significant militant activity in Al-Shifa. However, the lack of clear evidence has led Western allies, including the United States, to increase pressure on Israel to agree to a pause in military actions, the article states.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced yesterday the discovery of a Hamas command center and weapons on the hospital grounds. Additionally, Israeli military forces have expanded their operation in Al-Shifa, moving into the southern part of the complex, as reported by i24 News on Thursday. Arab media sources have claimed that bulldozers have already entered and operated within a large area of the hospital.

UN Secretary-General spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric expressed concern over the situation in Al-Shifa, emphasizing that healthcare facilities must be protected under humanitarian law. Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on all parties to cease hostilities. Furthermore, President Vladimir Putin highlighted that a resolution to the Middle East crisis is only possible through the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with its capital in East Jerusalem.

Since late October, Israel has been conducting a ground operation in the Gaza Strip in response to an attack by Hamas fighters on October 7. The military has surrounded the city of Gaza, effectively dividing the enclave into southern and northern parts.

As tensions escalate and international pressure mounts, the situation in Al-Shifa remains a focal point of concern. The quest for evidence of militant activity and the call for a halt in military operations highlight the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the challenges faced in achieving a peaceful resolution.

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