House Passes Bill to Avert Government Shutdown, Speaker Johnson Notches First Big Legislative Win

In a significant move to avoid a government shutdown just before the holiday season, the Senate passed a continuing resolution (CR) late Wednesday night to fund federal agencies into early next year. The bill, which received a vote of 87-11, garnered support from both Republicans and Democrats, with only 10 Republicans voting against it and one Democrat. GOP Senators John Cornyn and Tim Scott were absent for the vote. This comes after the bill passed in the House of Representatives on Tuesday with an overwhelming majority of 336-95.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, described Wednesday as “a very, very good night for the American people” as he announced that a government shutdown had been avoided. He emphasized the bipartisan effort to fund federal agencies, highlighting the importance of maintaining stability for the American people.

Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana, played a significant role in averting the shutdown. He proposed a plan on Saturday that set up two separate deadlines for funding different parts of the government. This approach aimed to establish more targeted goals and prevent Congress from lumping all 12 spending bills into a massive “omnibus” package. Speaker Johnson’s plan received support from both Republicans and Democrats.

Under Speaker Johnson’s plan, bills concerning military construction and Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, Energy and Water, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development must be worked out by January 19. The remaining eight appropriations bills must be decided upon by February 2. This approach aims to provide a focused and efficient process for addressing the government’s spending priorities for the 2023 fiscal year.

House and Senate leaders recognized the need for another short-term extension to meet the deadline of midnight on Friday and determine the government’s spending priorities. This extension will allow for further discussions and negotiations to ensure the smooth functioning of federal agencies.

While this is a developing story, it is crucial to note the bipartisan efforts and cooperation demonstrated in avoiding a government shutdown. Both Republicans and Democrats played a role in ensuring the stability and functioning of federal agencies, particularly during the holiday season.

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