White Men Sentenced to Federal Prison Ordered to Pay $1.25 Million in Damages for Racially Motivated Attack

A pair of white men, Maurice Diggins and Dusty Leo, have been ordered by a state judge to pay $1.25 million in damages for breaking the jaw of a black man in a random attack. The judge issued a default judgment against the perpetrators, who are currently in federal custody and were not represented by attorneys during the proceeding. The victim, Daimon McCollum, may never collect the awarded damages, but his attorney, Allyson Knowles, stated that this judgment “demonstrates that this kind of conduct is abhorrent and won’t be tolerated.”

The incident occurred in Biddeford, Maine, in April 2018, when McCollum was attacked by Diggins and Leo. The perpetrators taunted and shouted racial slurs at McCollum from their vehicle before engaging in a confrontation that resulted in McCollum being struck in the jaw. Superior Court Justice Richard Mulhern issued the default judgment last month after Leo and Diggins initially participated in the proceedings through letters but eventually stopped.

On November 9, the judge ordered Diggins and Leo to pay $750,000 in punitive damages and $500,000 in compensatory damages. The attack took place after the McCollum family had celebrated a college scholarship for one of their three children. McCollum had walked to a convenience store for a snack when he was accosted by Diggins and his nephew. Diggins circled McCollum, hurling racial taunts and preventing him from entering the store, while Leo approached and punched him in the jaw.

Following the assault, McCollum ran away, and the perpetrators pursued him to his home. McCollum has since moved away from Biddeford due to the incident. Diggins, who has tattoos including swastikas and “WPWW” (White Pride World Wide) initials, is currently serving a 10-year sentence for two counts of committing a hate crime and one count of conspiracy. Leo, who pleaded guilty, received a three-year sentence and is currently residing in a halfway house. He is expected to be released from federal custody next week.

The judgment against Diggins and Leo highlights the condemnation of racially motivated attacks and sends a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing hate crimes and ensuring justice for the victims.

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