Michigan Judge Rules for Separate Trials for Parents of Oxford High School Shooter

In a recent development in the Michigan high school shooting trial, a judge has ruled that the parents of the shooter, Ethan Crumbley, may be tried separately. The decision came after two new witnesses from Florida came forward, prompting the need for separate trials. James and Jennifer Crumbley are facing four counts of involuntary manslaughter each for their son’s actions, which resulted in the death of four high school students and injuries to seven others.

The defense attorney for Jennifer Crumbley argued that severing the trials would prevent prejudice and ensure a fair trial for both defendants. The prosecution agreed, stating that Jennifer Crumbley is entitled to a fair trial, as evidence presented against her co-defendant, James Crumbley, could be damaging to her case.

However, the decision to have separate trials comes at a significant cost to victims, witnesses, taxpayers, and additional jurors. Prosecutors acknowledged this but emphasized that the defendants have the constitutional right to a separate trial.

In addition to the request for separate trials, the defense attorney also accused Oakland County prosecutor Karen McDonald of misconduct. The defense claimed that McDonald violated court rules by expressing her opinion on the guilt or innocence of the defendants in a media interview. They further argued that McDonald failed in her duty as a prosecutor to ensure that the accused receive the benefit of all reasonable doubts.

The defense now seeks a court appearance from McDonald to address these alleged violations. It is worth noting that all parties involved in the case are under a gag order, preventing them from publicly discussing any details related to the allegations against the Crumbleys.

The parents’ actions leading up to the school shooting have been heavily scrutinized. They allegedly purchased a firearm for their son just before the incident, with Jennifer Crumbley claiming it was a Christmas present. Furthermore, they are accused of ignoring warning signs from the school counselor’s office about their son’s disturbing drawings and refusing to take him home on the morning of the shooting.

Ethan Crumbley, who is now 17 years old, has already been ruled by Oakland County Judge Kwame Rowe to be eligible for a life sentence without parole. The focus now shifts to the separate trials of his parents, where they will face charges of involuntary manslaughter.

Audrey Conklin is a digital reporter for Digital and FOX Business.

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