Republican Attorneys General Call for Action Against Organizations Supporting Hamas

State attorneys general affiliated with the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) are urging their colleagues to take legal action against U.S.-based organizations with ties to Hamas. In a resolution adopted on Friday and published today, RAGA calls on state attorneys general to investigate and prosecute organizations within their jurisdictions that provide aid or funding to Hamas or other terrorist-supporting organizations.

RAGA Chairman Sean Reyes, Utah’s attorney general, emphasized the need to unite against terrorism, stating, “We need to root out the evil that is Hamas wherever it exists, at home or across the globe, and the nation’s Republican attorneys general are doing their part to hold terrorists and terrorist sympathizers accountable.”

The resolution, titled “Resolution Condemning the Attacks by Hamas on October 7, 2023, Reaffirming Support for the State of Israel, and Denouncing Anti-Semitic Attacks on College Campuses and Cities Across the Country,” was adopted on November 10. It denounces the rise in anti-Semitic attacks on college campuses and in cities and calls for increased protection for Jewish communities, as well as educational initiatives to combat anti-Semitism and promote understanding and mutual respect.

The resolution also urges state attorneys general to utilize their legal tools to investigate and prosecute organizations providing aid or funding to Hamas or other terrorist-supporting organizations. Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, the past RAGA chairman, stressed the importance of taking action in the face of unprovoked terrorist attacks, stating, “We cannot stand silent when one of our nation’s closest allies is reeling from an unprovoked terrorist attack that resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives.”

In addition to the resolution, RAGA sent a letter to leaders of both parties in Congress, urging them to provide the necessary resources and humanitarian assistance to Israel to achieve victory over its enemies. The letter acknowledges the suffering of innocent Palestinians in Gaza and emphasizes Israel’s unwavering determination and unity in the face of adversity. It also highlights Israel’s fight for survival and peace as crucial for the future security of the region and its allies.

The article also mentions anti-Israel protests on American university campuses, with some faculty and staff expressing support for Hamas. At MIT, protesters held an anti-Israel sit-in protest, and previous protests featured calls to violence against Jews. MIT faculty faced backlash for downgrading punishment for students involved in calls to violence, raising concerns about the impact on students’ visas and possible deportation.

Congress has considered measures such as stripping federal funds and investigating universities that allow student groups to promote anti-Semitic rhetoric and calls to violence. Representative Jason Smith, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, condemned the statements of support for Hamas and emphasized that celebrating, excusing, or downplaying violence is unacceptable.

In conclusion, Republican attorneys general are taking a stance against organizations supporting Hamas, calling for investigations and prosecutions. They also denounce anti-Semitic attacks and urge increased protection for Jewish communities. The article highlights the importance of supporting Israel and the need to address anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses.

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