Russian Foreign Minister Urges Ceasefire in Middle East Conflict

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has emphasized the urgent need for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. In a statement reported by RT, Lavrov stated that ending the hostilities and addressing the widespread humanitarian issues should be the top priority.

This comes after Russia’s ambassador to Israel, Anatoly Viktorov, highlighted the insufficient humanitarian aid reaching the Gaza Strip. Viktorov pointed out that before the escalation of the conflict, up to 500 trucks per day were delivering aid to the region. However, the current situation has become catastrophic.

Furthermore, Viktorov accused the United States of encouraging Israel to take harsh measures. He described the current situation in Israel and Palestine as a consequence of the failed US policies, suggesting that the US either forgot or only formally addressed the Palestinian problem.

Earlier, a political analyst identified one of the reasons behind the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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