Homeland Security Chairman Warns of Heightened Terror Threats to the United States

FOX News’ Eric Shawn reports on heightened fears over threats on U.S. soil from Iran and its terror proxies. House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green is expected to warn that the present is “one of the most dangerous times in the history of the United States” during his panel’s hearing Wednesday focused on worldwide threats. The hearing, featuring testimony from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and National Counterterrorism Center Director Christine Abizaid, will shed light on the growing security challenges faced by the United States.

In an exclusive interview with Digital, Green expressed his concerns regarding the “heightened risk” faced by the United States, attributing it to the “open door policy” at the U.S. Southern Border. Green emphasized the potential for “lone wolf” terror attacks by homegrown terrorists who have been radicalized to commit violent acts. He also highlighted the “unprecedented crisis” at the Southern Border, which he described as the “worst” in American history, and the malicious activities carried out by nation-state actors.

Green is expected to address the direct threat terrorism poses to the U.S. homeland, highlighting alarming statistics regarding individuals on the FBI’s terror watchlist who have been arrested at the southern border. While the number of such arrests is relatively small compared to the overall number of migrants encountered, it has raised concerns among Republicans and former border officials. The chairman will also draw attention to the rising threats of antisemitism in the United States, following the recent attack by Hamas on Israel.

Furthermore, Green will highlight the cyber threats faced by the United States from adversarial nations like Iran. The hearing comes in the wake of previous testimonies by Mayorkas, Wray, and Abizaid before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, where they emphasized the elevated terrorism threat level due to ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. Wray specifically warned about the inspiration drawn by foreign terrorist organizations like Hamas, which could lead to attacks against Americans.

The Department of Homeland Security has already acknowledged the heightened threat environment, urging the public to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activities to local law enforcement. Green will also address the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party to the United States, coinciding with President Biden’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

In conclusion, the hearing led by House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green will provide critical insights into the growing terror threats faced by the United States. With a focus on the dangers posed by homegrown terrorists, the crisis at the Southern Border, rising antisemitism, and cyber threats from adversarial nations, the hearing aims to address the urgent need for enhanced national security measures.

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