Serial Killer Convicted of Six Murders in Delaware Faces Life Behind Bars

A Delaware jury has convicted suspected serial killer Keith Gibson of murder and other crimes related to the deaths of six people in 2021. Gibson, a Philadelphia resident, now faces a life sentence behind bars for his heinous crimes. The jury deliberated for nearly six hours over the course of two days before reaching a verdict.

Among the victims were Leslie Ruiz-Basilio, a 28-year-old cellphone store clerk in Elsmere, and Ronald Wright, a 42-year-old drug dealer in Wilmington, Delaware. Gibson was found guilty of their murders as well as robbery charges. He was also convicted of attempted murder and robbery in the case of Belal Almansoori, a store clerk in Wilmington, and faced additional charges for armed robbery, assault conspiracy, and gun crimes.

Gibson’s killing spree came to light in June 2021 when Delaware police linked him to at least six slayings, including the fatal shooting of a Dunkin’ Donuts manager. The investigation also revealed that Gibson was facing murder charges in Pennsylvania for the deaths of his mother, the Dunkin’ Donuts manager, and two men found shot in a store in the Germantown neighborhood.

During the trial, prosecutors presented compelling evidence, including video footage of the robberies and shootings. Ballistics evidence linked to a revolver recovered during Gibson’s arrest further supported the prosecution’s case. Additionally, Gibson’s bicycle and clothing found near the crime scenes pointed to his involvement, with a friend identifying him as the man captured on surveillance footage.

The brutal nature of Gibson’s crimes was revealed through the testimonies of survivors. Ruiz-Basilio was confronted by Gibson in her store and fatally shot at point-blank range, while Almansoori played dead after being shot in the head but was shot again as the gunman was leaving. Wright, a drug dealer, was also killed, and Gibson was found with his shoulder bag containing drugs.

Gibson’s crime spree ended when he was arrested after robbing a Wilmington Rite Aid store. At the time of his arrest, he was wearing body armor and carrying ammunition matching bullet fragments found at two murder scenes. A GPS tracking device placed in a bag of cash from the Rite Aid store clerk aided in his capture.

Gibson now awaits sentencing for his crimes, which will likely result in a mandatory life sentence. The conviction brings closure to the victims’ families and serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts to bring justice to those affected by violent crimes.

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