New York City Mayor Urges Parents to Volunteer Amidst School Safety Personnel Cuts

In a media briefing on Tuesday, November 14, New York City Mayor Eric Adams expressed concern over the safety of the city’s schools after significant personnel cuts. As the ongoing migrant crisis continues, Mayor Adams called on parents to step up and volunteer to help maintain a safe environment for their children. He emphasized the need for an “all hands on deck” approach and stated that parents may need to contribute through volunteerism.

Mayor Adams assured the media that he would not allow schools in the city to become unsafe for children. He acknowledged the challenges posed by the personnel cuts but emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety of students. Adams stated, “In my concern that we will drop and make schools unsafe for our children, I am never going to allow that to happen. But we are going to be straining at a very high level to get this done correctly.”

The mayor also highlighted the success of New York City public schools in preventing mass shootings, crediting the school safety agents and the New York City Police Department. He contrasted the city’s record with other municipalities that have experienced such tragedies.

However, Mayor Adams faces an ongoing investigation by the FBI regarding potential campaign finance funding from the Turkish government. Reports suggest that he allegedly pressured city fire officials to approve a new Manhattan consulate despite safety concerns. Adams has not commented on these allegations.

Criticism has arisen from Staten Island officials who condemned the abrupt termination of a school safety program consisting of 250 recruits. The termination coincided with the city’s allocation of more resources to address the influx of migrant asylum seekers from the southern border. Representative Nicole Malliotakis expressed concern about the reduction in the number of safety agents and overall police presence, highlighting the potential impact on crime-solving and public safety.

This development comes after Mayor Adams announced budget cuts of 5% across departments in September, with another round of cuts expected in January. The mayor has warned of a “financial tsunami” impacting various government services due to the migrant crisis.

As of now, Mayor Eric Adams’ office has not responded to requests for comment.

About the Author:
Sarah Rumpf-Whitten is a breaking news writer for Digital and Fox Business. Based in Orlando, Florida, she hails from Massachusetts. She welcomes story tips and ideas at [email protected] and on Twitter: @s_rumpfwhitten.

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