Republican Congressman Accuses Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of Physical Assault

In a shocking turn of events, Rep. Tim Burchett, a Republican from Tennessee, has accused former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of physically assaulting him. The alleged incident took place on the Capitol Hill outdoor steps, and Burchett claims that McCarthy took a “cheap shot from behind.” This accusation comes as McCarthy faces backlash for his role in ousting him as House speaker.

Speaking to reporters, Burchett expressed his disappointment in McCarthy’s actions, stating, “You don’t expect that sort of thing from an adult, certainly not one who was once third in line for the White House.” He further described McCarthy’s behavior as deliberate and compared it to that of a bully. Burchett even offered to take a polygraph test to prove his claims.

Burchett emphasized that he does not plan on taking further action against McCarthy, including filing a House ethics complaint. He believes that McCarthy will “cash in” after Christmas and criticized the lengthy process of ethics complaints. Burchett also expressed his concern that McCarthy, who has a significant amount of wealth and a security detail, will continue to exert his influence.

When asked about the incident’s implications for Congress, Burchett acknowledged that such altercations have occurred in the past. Nevertheless, he emphasized that it is not acceptable and called for more civil behavior among lawmakers.

The alleged physical altercation occurred while Burchett was being interviewed by NPR correspondent Claudia Grisales. Grisales recounted the incident on social media and stated that she has reached out to McCarthy’s office for comment. Burchett described how McCarthy intentionally elbowed him in the kidneys as he walked by during the interview.

Burchett claimed that the assault was intentional, given his vote against McCarthy when he was elected as House speaker. He also alleged that McCarthy did not see any cameras and thought no one was paying attention. However, Grisales from NPR witnessed the incident.

Despite the incident, Burchett downplayed any injuries, stating, “This ain’t no big deal.” He also highlighted the cultural differences between Tennessee, where he is from, and southern California, where McCarthy hails from, suggesting that face-to-face confrontation is the norm in Tennessee.

Burchett also raised concerns about McCarthy’s financial resources, claiming that he has $17 million at his disposal and is already interfering in other races. However, McCarthy’s office has yet to comment on these allegations.

This story is developing, and further updates will be provided. Brianna O’Neil and Kelly Phares contributed to this report. For more information or story tips, contact reporter Danielle Wallace at [email protected] or on Twitter: @danimwallace.

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