Republican Senator Urges Senate Democrats to Pass Bipartisan Israel Aid Bill amid War with Hamas

Yale student Sahar Tartak recently appeared on ‘FOX & Friends First’ to discuss the rise of anti-Israel sentiment amidst the ongoing war with Hamas, drawing parallels to the 1930s. Republican Senator Roger Marshall of Kansas is now calling on Senate Democrats to pass the bipartisan Israel aid bill that was previously approved by the House of Representatives. In a draft of his upcoming speech, Senator Marshall emphasizes the urgency of the situation, highlighting the hundreds of innocent people, including approximately 10 Americans, who are still being held captive by Hamas terrorists.

The senator aims to appeal to his Democratic colleagues, urging them to “do the right thing” and provide aid to Israel in their time of need. He criticizes the Senate Democrats for obstructing the bipartisan solution proposed by the House, which has raised concerns about the United States’ commitment as an ally. Additionally, Marshall points out that the delay in providing aid sends a troubling message to Hamas terrorists, potentially emboldening them in their violent endeavors.

Marshall plans to confront his Democrat colleagues who have sought to delay the delivery of critical military assistance by calling for negotiations with Hamas and a ceasefire. He invites each Senate Democrat to sit down with a victim of Hamas’ savage attacks to understand the true nature of the terror they have experienced. The senator emphasizes the importance of providing bipartisan funding to Israel, stressing that Hamas’ evil actions defy all logic, and hesitation in supporting the ally is a defiance of common sense.

The bipartisan Israel aid bill initially passed the House but faced opposition from eight Senate Democrats who voted against it. The Democrats cited a lack of Ukraine aid, humanitarian assistance, funding to combat China’s influence in the Indo-Pacific, and border security as reasons for opposing the bill. Furthermore, the National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, stated that President Biden would veto an Israel-only supplemental package if it were to pass through Congress.

The article concludes by acknowledging the contributions of Adam Sabes to the reporting and introducing Houston Keene as the politics writer for Digital. Story tips can be sent to [email protected], and Houston Keene can be found on Twitter @HoustonKeene.

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