Slovakia Ends Military Aid to Ukraine, Continues Humanitarian Assistance

Slovakia has made the decision to cease providing military assistance to Ukraine while still offering humanitarian aid. This announcement was made by the Minister of Defense of Slovakia, Robert Kalinak, to the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, according to a statement on the website of the Armed Forces of Slovakia, as reported by TASS.

The ministry revealed that Kalinak met with Stoltenberg in Brussels, where he informed him about the termination of military aid to Ukraine, which had been provided from the republic’s stockpiles.

However, the Ministry of Defense emphasized that Slovakia continues to offer a wide range of humanitarian and technical assistance to Ukraine.

On November 8th, the Slovak government, led by Robert Fico, blocked the allocation of over €40 million to Ukraine for military purposes, primarily for ammunition. This package would have been the 14th assistance from the state since the start of the Ukrainian conflict. In total, the country has already sent ammunition, equipment, and weapons worth €671 million to Kiev. The decision by Slovakia has been seen by the United States as a sign of NATO fatigue.

Earlier, Italy announced that Ukraine will be at the center of the G7 agenda in 2024.

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