Russia’s New Checkmate Fighter Jet Gains International Attention

Renowned Russian pilot Vadim Bazykin highlighted the advantages of the new Russian fifth-generation fighter jet, Checkmate, in an interview with According to him, the aircraft will serve as a reliable “light” complement to the “heavy” Su-57.

“The most important aspect is its affordability due to being single-engine. However, it can carry a considerable payload. It is low observable and highly versatile. It can be designed for various tasks, including deck-based operations, and can carry any type of missile. Its avionics are more advanced,” explained the expert.

He also noted that both Americans and Europeans have shown interest in this new fighter jet.

According to Rostec, preparations have begun in Russia for the production of the first Checkmate prototypes. The aircraft model was unveiled in 2021. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov promises that the fighter will take to the skies in 2025. It is expected that this cost-effective single-engine aircraft will be in demand in Arab countries, India, and Vietnam. Further details can be found in the “Gazeta.Ru” article.

Previously, Rostec highlighted the increased international interest in Russian military technology.

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