Russia Upgrades Su-57 Fighter Jet with Advanced Engine, Enhancing Combat Capabilities

In a recent announcement, the press service of the state corporation “Rostec” stated that the fifth-generation fighter jet Su-57 is now being equipped with the second-stage engine (“Product 30”). This development was reported by RIA Novosti.

The statement highlights that the combat capabilities of the Su-57 are being enhanced as modern technologies are being incorporated into the aircraft. The press service emphasized that the plane has been adapted for the use of both the first and second-stage engines.

“Rostec” emphasized that the fighter jet is currently undergoing flight tests with the second-stage engine, and the delivery of the aircraft with the new engine is expected under an existing serial contract.

It was previously reported that a long-range air-to-air missile has been developed for the Russian fifth-generation fighter jet Su-57, with an internal fuselage placement.

The internally carried long-range missile, despite its smaller size, has a comparable range to missiles used by the Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic bombers. The significant reduction in the dimensions of the new missile was achieved through the use of a meticulously designed folding wing structure and internal configuration.

Earlier reports suggested that the first Checkmate fighters could enter service in 2025.

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