Humanitarian Crisis Looms as Israeli Siege Blocks Aid to Gaza Strip

The United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees has warned that aid work in the Gaza Strip is on the verge of collapse due to an Israeli siege that is obstructing access to essential fuel. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) stated that it will be forced to suspend its operations within 48 hours if fuel is not allowed into Gaza. This development comes as the region faces critical humanitarian conditions exacerbated by ongoing Israeli air strikes and a ground offensive. Organizations working to assist those affected by the conflict are struggling to provide food, electricity, and fuel amid the siege.

According to Palestinian authorities, Israeli strikes have claimed the lives of at least 11,240 people in Gaza, including over 4,600 children, since the conflict began on October 7. The UN also reported that 101 aid workers in Gaza have been killed during this period. The health system in Gaza is on the brink of collapse, with medical and communication services severely disrupted since November 10. Hospitals are running out of fuel, hindering their ability to save lives, including newborns in incubators, as electricity generators fail.

Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza is surrounded by Israeli forces, leaving medical workers and approximately 650 patients trapped inside. Ashraf al-Qudra, a spokesperson for the Health Ministry, revealed that 32 patients have died in the past three days due to a lack of power. Israel has accused Hamas of using the hospital’s vicinity for its tunnels, a claim denied by the group. Dr. Ahmed El Mokhallalati, a surgeon at the hospital, described the dire situation, stating that Israel had targeted water infrastructure vital for the hospital, leaving those remaining “barely surviving.” Officials have raised concerns about the potential outbreak of disease as access to clean water becomes severely restricted.

The situation is further compounded by the closure of two major water distribution contractors, leaving 200,000 people without access to potable water. Mansour Shouman, a displaced Palestinian seeking refuge at Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza, expressed the dire conditions at the site, emphasizing the lack of safety and security. Despite being advised to move to the south for safety, Shouman witnesses ambulances arriving daily and more people burying their loved ones.

The UNRWA Gaza chief, Thomas White, highlighted the urgency of the situation, stating that the humanitarian operation in Gaza will come to a halt within 48 hours if fuel is not allowed into the region. The international community is urged to intervene and address the escalating crisis in order to prevent further suffering and loss of life.

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