U.S. Congressman Raises Concerns Over China’s Aggression and Urges Protection of Guam

House China Select Committee Chair Rep. Mike Gallagher, a Republican from Wisconsin, has expressed deep concern over the current state of affairs between the United States and China. Gallagher believes that the U.S. is in a “window of maximum danger” and warns that Chinese President Xi Jinping will become more aggressive as China faces economic challenges. In an exclusive report by Digital, it has been revealed that Gallagher has written a letter to Army Secretary Christine Wormuth requesting information on protecting Guam, a vital U.S. territory that remains highly vulnerable to Chinese military aggression.

Guam, located in the western Pacific, hosts Naval Base Guam and Anderson Air Force Base. With over 20,000 U.S. troops stationed on the island, it plays a crucial role in the defense of American allies and interests in the region. However, Gallagher points out that Guam is significantly closer to China than Hawaii, making it a prime target for China’s sophisticated network of missiles, including cruise missiles. China has spent years developing both short and intermediate-range ballistic missiles that can target Guam, U.S. airfields in Japan, and U.S. aircraft carriers and warships operating in the western Pacific.

Gallagher warns that China’s formidable inventory of highly capable cruise missiles can be launched from various platforms, including ships, submarines, and bombers. While the United States has developed defense capabilities against sea and land-based ballistic missiles and some cruise missiles, it has significant gaps in its ability to defend against Chinese cruise missiles attacking land-based targets like Guam. Gallagher emphasizes that these deficiencies put the vital submarine port and base at grave risk, hindering operations in any contingency with China.

The U.S. Army’s ground-based missile defense system, designed to defend against cruise missiles, has encountered significant delays. Due to supply chain issues, the launcher prototype selected in 2021 was unable to be delivered. The delivery of launcher prototypes, planned for September 2023, now faces uncertainty. Gallagher urges the Army to address these delays and provide alternative options to fill the defense gap.

In his letter, Gallagher highlights the successful deployment of National Advanced Surface to Air Missile Systems to Ukraine, emphasizing the need for a similarly effective system to protect Guam. He requests information from the Army on the delays and their plans to strengthen land-based cruise missile defense capabilities in Guam. Additionally, Gallagher asks if the Army would support integration of capabilities with allies Japan and Australia to enhance regional defense.

The Army has not yet responded to Digital’s request for comment on Gallagher’s concerns. As tensions continue to rise between the United States and China, it remains crucial to address the vulnerabilities faced by territories like Guam. Gallagher’s efforts to protect American interests and allies in the region deserve attention and action.

Brooke Singman is a Digital politics reporter. You can reach her at [email protected] or @BrookeSingman on Twitter.

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