Al-Shifa Hospital Suspends Operations as WHO Urges Ceasefire Amid Rising Deaths in Gaza

Amid the ongoing Israeli bombardment and shortages of medicine and fuel, Gaza’s two largest hospitals, Al-Shifa and Al-Quds, have been forced to stop taking new patients. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for an immediate ceasefire to prevent further loss of life. Reports indicate a rising number of deaths among patients and medical staff, painting a dire picture of the healthcare situation in the region.

Dr. Nidal Abu Hadrous, a neurosurgeon at Al-Shifa Hospital, described the current situation as “disastrous” with no access to electricity, water, or safe passage for patients and staff. Urgent intervention is needed to save lives in this critical situation. Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza has also suspended operations due to a lack of fuel for its main generator.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has expressed concern over the dire state of Al-Shifa Hospital and emphasized the need for action. He stated that hospitals, which should be safe havens, have now become scenes of death, devastation, and despair. Al-Shifa Hospital, once a pillar of healthcare, is now struggling to function effectively.

The UN relief agency in the occupied Palestinian territory has reported the deaths of three nurses at Al-Shifa Hospital since Friday, as a result of Israeli bombardment and clashes nearby. Additionally, twelve patients, including two premature babies, have died due to power outages. Critical infrastructure, such as the cardiovascular facility and maternity ward, has also suffered severe damage.

The Gaza health ministry has confirmed the deaths of three premature newborns. WHO estimates that approximately 600-650 patients, 200-500 health workers, and 1,500 internally displaced people remain at Al-Shifa Hospital with no safe means of evacuation. Among the patients are 36 babies at risk of dying due to a lack of functional incubators.

Israeli forces have surrounded medical facilities in the northern part of Gaza, including Al-Shifa Hospital. While Israeli officials claim that the hospital is located on top of a Hamas command center, both Hamas and hospital officials deny these allegations. Palestinian officials and eyewitnesses inside the hospital have reported direct targeting of the complex by Israeli forces, including the use of munitions and snipers firing at any movement within the compound.

Israel’s military has stated that it offered to evacuate newborn babies and provided fuel at the hospital’s entrance, but Hamas allegedly obstructed their efforts. However, Hamas denies refusing the fuel and asserts that the hospital falls under the authority of Gaza’s health ministry. Al-Shifa Hospital director Muhammad Abu Salmiya dismissed Israel’s statements as “propaganda,” stating that the provision of a mere 300 liters of fuel would only last for around 30 minutes.

The situation in Gaza is dire, with over half of the 35 hospitals no longer operational due to Israeli bombardment and ground operations, which were launched in response to Hamas attacks on Israeli communities. The death toll among Palestinians has reached at least 11,078, according to Gaza’s health ministry. However, due to the collapse of services and communications in hospitals, the death toll has not been updated since Friday.

The international community must recognize the urgent need for action to protect the lives of patients and medical staff in Gaza. The WHO’s call for an immediate ceasefire is crucial to prevent further loss of life and to ensure that hospitals can resume their vital role as safe havens for those in need.

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