Congress Takes Steps to Address Rural Mental Health Crisis with New Legislation

A group of American farmers recently joined ‘FOX & Friends’ from the West Bank to discuss their actions in support of their Jewish counterparts. In an effort to tackle the rural mental health crisis in the U.S., Congress is introducing new legislation aimed at expanding mental health resources specifically for farmers and ranchers. The bill, known as the Farmers First Act, is being spearheaded by Rep. Randy Feenstra, R-Iowa, who emphasized the importance of providing behavioral health resources to rural communities.

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by farmers and ranchers, such as economic downturns, natural disasters, and the spread of animal diseases, Rep. Feenstra stressed the need to connect producers with medical professionals who can offer the care they deserve. The Farmers First Act has gained bipartisan support, with two House Democrats joining their Republican counterparts in backing the legislation.

One of the primary issues in rural America is the lack of access to mental health resources compared to suburban and urban areas. According to statistics compiled by Mental Health America, 65% of rural counties do not have a psychiatrist. Additionally, rural communities experience a higher suicide rate, ranging from 18.3 to 20.5 per 100,000 residents, compared to 10.9 to 12.5 in large urban areas.

Rep. Jim Costa, D-Calif., emphasized the urgency of addressing the mental health crisis, stating that more than 1 in 5 U.S. adults live with a mental illness. He highlighted the limited access to mental health services in farming communities, making it challenging for farmers, farmworkers, and their families to receive the necessary support. Rep. Feenstra’s bill aims to bridge this gap by expanding mental health access for farmers and ranchers.

The proposed legislation includes the reauthorization of the Farm and Ranch Assistance Network (FRSAN), which provides stress management resources to farmers, ranchers, and relevant workers. It also seeks to increase FRSAN’s annual funding to $15 million over five years. Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn., another sponsor of the bill, acknowledged the stressful and isolating nature of farming and emphasized the need to provide support to those in the industry.

The Farmers First Act was introduced in the Senate earlier this year by Sens. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, demonstrating bipartisan efforts to address the mental health crisis in rural communities.

If anyone exhibits signs of suicide ideation, experts strongly encourage seeking immediate help by calling or texting 988 or chatting at

In conclusion, Congress’s introduction of the Farmers First Act signifies a crucial step in addressing the mental health crisis faced by farmers and ranchers in rural America. By expanding access to mental health resources and support networks, this legislation aims to provide much-needed assistance to those in the agricultural industry.

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