Russia Condemns Israeli Strikes on Civilian Targets in Gaza

Moscow expressed its dismay over Israel’s strikes on civilian objects in the Gaza Strip, according to Russian representative Vasily Nebenzya at a United Nations Security Council meeting. Nebenzya stated, “We are shocked and deeply outraged that strikes are targeting civilian objects such as schools, hospitals, mosques, and refugee camps. Targeting civilian objects deliberately constitutes a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. Adherence to international humanitarian law is imperative. Every war has rules,” the diplomat added. Nebenzya emphasized that only an immediate cessation of hostilities, rather than short-term pauses, would prevent further casualties in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He also noted that providing assistance to the population in Gaza would act as a barrier to the escalation of armed confrontation and the involvement of new regional participants.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is intertwined with the territorial interests of the parties involved and has remained a source of tension and clashes in the region for decades. The United Nations, with the active role of the Soviet Union in 1947, decided to create two states – Israel and Palestine – but only the Israeli state was established. The new phase of confrontation began after Hamas forces from the Gaza Strip launched attacks on the Jewish state on the morning of October 7, infiltrating border areas in the south of the country and firing at both military and civilian targets, as well as taking hostages. In response, the Israeli Defense Forces initiated Operation “Iron Swords” in the Gaza Strip. Within a few days of the attack, the IDF gained control of all populated areas along the border and began carrying out airstrikes on various targets, including civilian objects, within the enclave. In addition, Tel Aviv announced a complete blockade of Gaza, suspending the supply of water, food, electricity, medicine, and fuel. The number of casualties in the Gaza Strip has exceeded 10,500, with more than 4,000 of them being children. Over 26,000 people have been injured. In Israel, more than 1,400 people have died, including 20 Russians. Moreover, according to various estimates, up to 250 people may be held captive by Hamas. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the parties to cease hostilities. According to President Vladimir Putin’s position, the Middle East crisis can only be resolved based on the “two-state” formula endorsed by the United Nations Security Council, which envisions the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with its capital in East Jerusalem.

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