Home Depot Co-Founder Bernie Marcus Endorses Donald Trump, Citing America’s Decline under Biden’s Leadership

In a recent op-ed published on Real Clear Politics, Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus has officially endorsed Donald Trump for president, stating that he believes Trump is the best candidate to restore American prosperity and dismantle what he calls an “administrative state” that is suffocating the nation. Marcus, 94, expressed his concerns about the current state of America under Joe Biden’s leadership, highlighting issues such as crime-ridden cities, struggles to afford necessities, an unprotected southern border, and curtailed freedoms.

Marcus stated that the elite are the only ones benefiting from America’s decline and argued that Donald Trump is the only candidate who can restore the nation to its former grandeur. He called on the Republican National Committee to abandon the debates and unite behind Trump, claiming that the debates only benefit ad makers and political consultants.

The former CEO of The Home Depot expressed deep concerns about the lawlessness in many American cities, with random violent attacks on innocent people, rampant looting, and large-scale homeless encampments. He also emphasized the vulnerability of the southern border, with millions of unknown individuals pouring into the nation to receive care and benefits that the country cannot afford, potentially including violent gang members.

Marcus further criticized the state of American education, stating that schoolchildren across the country are unable to read, write, or perform basic math, while educational leaders claim to know better than parents how to raise children. He also highlighted the struggles faced by working families, who are forced to dip into their retirement funds just to provide for their basic needs.

Despite being retired at the age of 94, Marcus felt compelled to pen the op-ed due to the high stakes at hand. He attributed much of the nation’s problems to Joe Biden’s presidency and called on Democrats, Republicans, and independents to come together and elect Trump, emphasizing that this should not be a partisan issue but an issue for all Americans.

Reflecting on his own success story, Marcus acknowledged that the American Dream appears to be out of reach for many citizens today. He credited America’s system of free enterprise and pro-jobs growth government policies for enabling him and his partners to establish The Home Depot and achieve success. Marcus expressed concern that the current state of America, particularly record inflation and government over-regulation, would hinder aspiring entrepreneurs from succeeding.

In concluding his op-ed, Marcus acknowledged Trump’s brash leadership style but commended his effectiveness in stewarding the country during his first term. He highlighted Trump’s decisive actions, such as ordering the strike that killed Iranian terrorist Gen. Qasem Soleimani and deterring Russia from invading Ukraine. Marcus urged Americans to prioritize their love for the country above all else and called on fellow Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to support Trump in facing the current and future challenges that lie ahead.

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