Israeli Troops Surround Gaza Hospitals, Al-Shifa Faces Imminent Collapse

Israeli troops have encircled four hospitals in Gaza, including Al-Shifa, the largest medical complex in the region, as battles intensify and the facility faces imminent collapse. The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that Israeli tanks have closed in on at least four hospitals from all directions, with some hospitals already receiving direct hits and reports of casualties among patients and displaced Palestinians seeking shelter. Al-Shifa Hospital’s head, Muhammad Abu Salmiya, described the situation as a “day of war on hospitals,” highlighting the challenges faced by medical staff in treating patients due to overcrowding and a shortage of resources.

The Israeli military has been surrounding three hospitals in Gaza City and the Indonesian Hospital in the north, using tanks and armored vehicles to create a perimeter around the facilities. Despite orders to evacuate, patients and staff are reluctant to leave without a guarantee of safe passage. The journey to safer areas has been dangerous, with repeated airstrikes targeting evacuation routes. Al-Shifa Hospital, in particular, has been subjected to multiple bombings, leaving patients and staff in constant fear.

Videos and testimonies from those inside Al-Shifa Hospital reveal the harrowing conditions faced by patients, medical staff, and volunteers. The facility, which has been serving as a refuge for tens of thousands of people, has been repeatedly targeted by Israeli forces. Human Rights Watch has condemned the attacks, stating that warning civilians to flee without providing a safe passage or place to go is insufficient. The international community is urged to intervene and prevent further mass atrocities.

Witnesses have reported that people are starting to leave the hospital grounds in fear of further attacks. However, medical personnel remain dedicated to their duties, refusing to abandon thousands of injured victims and patients without help. The Israeli army has alleged that Hamas has established a command center under Al-Shifa, an accusation vehemently denied by both Hamas and hospital staff.

Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City has also come under attack, with Israeli snipers shooting at the facility and causing casualties among the displaced Palestinians seeking shelter there. The Palestinian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Expatriates has accused Israel of “kidnapping hospitals as hostages for extortion,” stating that the siege of hospitals is a tactic to manipulate the international community and force Palestinians to move to the south.

The World Health Organization reports that 36 health facilities, including 22 hospitals, have been damaged since the start of the conflict, leaving at least 18 hospitals out of service. Ambulances have also been targeted, with 45 of them completely destroyed. International organizations and advocates are calling for urgent action to protect Palestinian civilians and healthcare facilities, as the risk of full-scale military attacks looms.

The devastating scenes witnessed at Al-Shifa Hospital have drawn international condemnation. Critics argue that if such attacks had occurred at hospitals caring for white people in Europe, they would never have been accepted. Many view these actions as a reflection of racist politics and a moral collapse in Western politics. The death toll in Gaza continues to rise, with over 11,000 people, including 4,506 children, killed since the conflict began in response to a Hamas attack.

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