Former Biden Campaign Staffers Urge President to Push for Ceasefire in Gaza

In a letter addressed to President Joe Biden, over 500 former campaign staffers who played a crucial role in his 2020 election victory have called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the violence that has claimed the lives of more than 10,800 Palestinians. The letter, released on Thursday, adds to the growing chorus of voices within the Biden administration urging for an end to the ongoing conflict. The campaigners emphasized the significant influence that President Biden holds in this critical moment and urged him to take concrete steps to address the root causes of the violence, including occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing.

While the Biden administration and Congress have maintained their support for Israel, opposition to the war is mounting among staff members, grassroots organizations, and activists. The American Postal Workers Union, which represents US Postal Service employees, also joined the calls for a ceasefire, urging the government to use its power to protect innocent lives and work towards peace in the region.

This latest appeal follows previous efforts from within the government to advocate for an end to hostilities. Last week, employees at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) circulated a letter calling for an immediate ceasefire, which has now garnered over 1,000 signatures. Additionally, hundreds of Congress staffers staged a walk-out on Wednesday demanding an end to the war.

The letter from the former Biden campaign staffers highlighted the alarming death toll in Gaza and the mass displacement of residents, pointing out that scholars have raised concerns about the risk of genocide in the conflict. They also expressed their horror at the Hamas attack against Israeli civilians on October 7. These concerns have been echoed by United Nations agencies and rights groups, with UN Chief Antonio Guterres warning that Gaza is turning into a “graveyard for children.”

However, despite the mounting pressure, President Biden ruled out the possibility of a ceasefire, stating “None, no possibility” when asked by reporters. His unequivocal support for Israel and the request for additional assistance to the country have raised criticism from US progressives, Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims. Moreover, his comment casting doubt on the Palestinian death toll has drawn outrage from Palestinian rights supporters. Rights experts and fact-checkers have defended the numbers, which are based on hospital and morgue records, stating that they align with the findings of independent researchers. A senior State Department official even suggested that the actual death toll may be even higher.

This growing discontent among President Biden’s own base is reflected in his declining approval ratings among Democrats and a significant drop in support within Arab communities. A recent New York Times poll showed Biden trailing behind former President Donald Trump, the likely Republican nominee in the 2024 race, in key swing states. Concerns are mounting that the ongoing carnage in Gaza may tarnish President Biden’s legacy if swift action is not taken to address the situation.

Heba Mohammad, a Palestinian American staffer who worked for the Biden campaign in Wisconsin, warned that the current devastation in Gaza could define President Biden’s legacy. She emphasized his ability and responsibility to save lives and reduce human suffering and cautioned that failing to act swiftly may result in the perception of genocide.

As pressure continues to mount, it remains to be seen how President Biden will respond to the calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and whether he will take concrete steps to address the root causes of the conflict. The world watches as the situation unfolds, with the hope that a lasting solution can be achieved to bring an end to the violence and suffering.

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