Republican Presidential Candidates Rally Behind Israel’s Fight Against Hamas in Third GOP Primary Debate

A panel of voters joined ‘FOX & Friends First’ to discuss their take on the third GOP primary debate as the 2024 presidential election nears. The Republican presidential candidates, during Wednesday night’s debate in Miami, had a unified message for Israel amid its war with Hamas. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis urged to “Finish the job,” while former U.N. ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley called to “Eliminate Hamas.” Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy added, “Smoke those terrorists.” South Carolina Senator Tim Scott and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie also defended Israel’s right to self-defense after the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks.

The debate moderator, Lester Holt, posed a question to each candidate about what they would tell Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if they were in the White House now. As the civilian death toll rises and Israel conducts ground operations in Palestinian territory, as well as pummeling Gaza with airstrikes, the candidates shared their views.

DeSantis emphasized, “I would be telling Bibi, finish the job once and for all with these butchers, Hamas… They’re terrorists, they’re massacring innocent people.” Haley, drawing from her experience at the United Nations, pointed out Iran’s role as the mastermind behind the attacks on Israel. She stated, “There would be no Hamas without Iran… There would not be the Houthis without Iran and there wouldn’t be the Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq that are trying to hit our military men and women if it hadn’t been for Iran.”

Haley further highlighted the “unholy alliance” between Iran, Russia, and China and emphasized Israel’s role as the “tip of the spear” against Islamic terrorism in the Middle East. Scott echoed Haley’s concerns about Iran and accused President Biden and the previous Obama administration of “appeasement” in their dealings with the regime in Tehran. He criticized the release of $6 billion in unfrozen assets to Iran as part of a prisoner deal and called for actions to stop further attacks on U.S. forces by Iran-backed proxies.

Ramaswamy took a more aggressive stance, urging Netanyahu to “smoke those terrorists on his Southern border.” He also criticized the “neocon establishment” and aimed jabs at Haley and DeSantis. In a light-hearted exchange, Haley responded to the jabs about her height and footwear, asserting her ability to run in her heels.

Christie, in contrast, offered moderate criticism of Israel, pointing out that Israeli intelligence failed to detect and prevent the Oct. 7 attack. He stated, “They failed the people of the state of Israel.”

The third GOP primary debate showcased the Republican candidates’ support for Israel and their concerns over Iran’s involvement in the region. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, these positions will be crucial in shaping the candidates’ platforms and gaining support from voters. Stay updated on the latest developments from the campaign trail and exclusive interviews at our Digital election hub.

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