Russia Reports Decrease in Cancer Mortality Rate by 5.6% in the Past Four Years

Moscow, November 8 – The Russian Ministry of Health announced that the mortality rate from oncological diseases has decreased by 5.6% in the country over the past four years. This positive development was highlighted by the Minister of Health, Mikhail Murashko, during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin and government officials. Murashko stated that the advancement of preventive measures, which have increased the coverage and quality of medical check-ups, has led to the detection of malignant tumors, including asymptomatic cases, by nearly 21%. As a result, there has been a significant reduction in the overall mortality rate by 5.6%.

According to Murashko, thanks to the improvement in the speed and quality of diagnostics in Russia, nearly 60% of tumors are now being detected at the first or second stages. The Minister emphasized that the development of preventive measures has significantly contributed to the increased detection of malignant tumors by almost 21%. He also highlighted that the number of oncologists in the country, including pediatric oncologists, has increased by more than 13% in the past four years.

Additionally, Russian pharmaceutical companies have registered over 40 medications for the treatment of cancer this year. This achievement is attributed to comprehensive government support, including subsidies for research and development, as well as loans from the Industrial Development Fund, as explained by the Minister. Murashko further noted that more than 100 clinical trials of domestic cancer drugs are currently being conducted in the country. Moreover, new fields such as radiopharmaceuticals and personalized genetic testing are actively developing.

“In 2019, the federal project ‘Fighting against Oncological Diseases’ was launched, which is one of the most comprehensive projects as it encompasses not only infrastructure changes but also process improvements, technologies, and scientific developments,” said Murashko. In conclusion, he highlighted that Russia has achieved breakthrough results in combating this challenging disease and has solidified positive trends in the field of oncology.

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