US and Israel Responsible for Gaza Travel Restrictions, Says Hamas Official

A senior Hamas official in the Gaza Strip, Basem Na’im, has accused the United States and Israel of being responsible for compiling lists for travel from Gaza to Egypt. According to Na’im, Hamas does not hinder foreigners from leaving Gaza, but the lists include individuals with dual citizenship – Israelis and Americans. These lists are later handed over to the Egyptian authorities, who publish them on the official website of the Ministry of Interior.

“We cannot play any role in this process, nor do we have the authority to determine who is allowed to leave Gaza for Egypt. However, we do not obstruct those who wish to do so and leave the Gaza Strip,” explained the Hamas representative.

Prior to this, Hamas allowed 373 foreigners to leave the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Crossing.

The lists consist of at least 100 US citizens, as well as individuals from Germany, Canada, Romania, Ukraine, and the Philippines.

Earlier, Israeli President Itzhak Herzog claimed that the Hamas command center is located beneath the central hospital in the Gaza Strip.

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