Schools Take Action as Adolescent Overdoses Rise: Narcan Stockpiling and Counseling Programs Implemented

As the number of adolescent overdoses involving fentanyl continues to increase, school districts across the country are taking proactive measures to address this alarming issue. One such district, the Cleveland Independent School District in Texas, has recently decided to stock up on the opioid reversal drug Narcan in order to be prepared for potential emergencies. Superintendent Stephen McCanless explained that the decision was driven by shocking statistics and a rise in drug-related EMT calls, particularly at the high school level.

Since the start of the school year on August 8th, the Cleveland ISD has already experienced 15 drug-related EMT calls, with four of those calls requiring the use of Narcan. McCanless referred to this situation as the “fentanyl crisis” and emphasized the importance of treating it seriously. While awaiting lab results to confirm the presence of fentanyl, the district has partnered with the Texas A&M Opioid Task Force and local hospitals to distribute Narcan kits to parents and students.

The decision to stockpile Narcan has sparked mixed reactions among parents. Some express concern that having the drug readily available may encourage risky behavior among students, while others recognize the necessity of having a life-saving tool at hand. Onelia Santos, a parent within the Cleveland ISD, voiced her conflicting thoughts, stating, “These are still innocent children. We have to have some way to be able to save them.”

The issue of adolescent overdoses involving fentanyl is not limited to the Cleveland ISD. CDC data reveals a significant increase in fentanyl-related overdose deaths among adolescents nationwide, with numbers nearly tripling from 2019 to 2021. A survey conducted by the EdWeek Research Center also indicates that 40% of school and district leaders across the country have chosen to stock up on Narcan to address this growing concern.

Recognizing that mental health plays a role in the increased drug use among students, the Cleveland ISD plans to incorporate counseling into its drug education curriculum. Superintendent McCanless emphasizes the importance of ongoing engagement with students, open communication, and understanding the underlying causes of their behavior. The district also intends to provide education on how to use Narcan effectively and has started a community policing program to proactively address the issue.

While the situation remains challenging, the efforts of the Cleveland ISD are already showing positive results. The district has not experienced any drug-related EMT calls in the past four weeks, indicating progress in combating the epidemic. These measures serve as a reminder of the ongoing need for comprehensive solutions to address the rising number of adolescent overdoses.

In conclusion, schools across the country are grappling with the alarming increase in adolescent overdoses involving fentanyl. The Cleveland Independent School District in Texas has taken decisive action by stockpiling Narcan and partnering with relevant organizations to distribute the life-saving drug to parents and students. The district also recognizes the importance of addressing mental health and plans to incorporate counseling into its drug education curriculum. While challenges persist, the district’s proactive measures offer hope in the fight against this devastating epidemic.

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