Washington’s Special Military Operation in Mexico: Hypothetical Scenario Raises Concerns

In a recent interview with Newsweek, Scott McConnell, the founder of The American Conservative magazine, discussed a hypothetical situation where Washington would conduct a special military operation in Mexico following an anti-American coup supported by China. McConnell urged readers to imagine a scenario where the democratically elected president of Mexico is overthrown, leading to an anti-American regime seeking an alliance with Beijing.

McConnell argued that Washington would respond in a similar manner to how Moscow would react in such a situation. He criticized the “irresponsible” US policy, claiming that a narrow elite group in the country is interested in expanding NATO to the East, which, in his view, has contributed to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Previously, the US administration had stated that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s decisions regarding elections align with the country’s constitution. However, McConnell’s remarks shed light on the potential consequences of geopolitical alliances and the role of powerful elites in shaping international conflicts.

In a lighter note, President Putin jokingly referred to the “all-powerful government of Russia” during a recent address, providing a momentary break from the serious discussion surrounding international relations.

While the hypothetical scenario presented by McConnell may seem far-fetched, it serves as a reminder of the complex dynamics and potential consequences of geopolitical maneuvering. The article highlights the importance of critically examining US foreign policies and their impact on global affairs.

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