Canada’s Complicity: Prioritizing Israel’s Interests over Canadian Citizens in Gaza

In a shocking revelation, it has become evident that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his diplomats have prioritized appeasing Israel over addressing the dire circumstances faced by hundreds of Canadian citizens in Gaza. While countries like Ireland and Scotland have shown empathy and humanity, most Western diplomatic corps, including the staff at Global Affairs Canada, appear to be nothing more than subsidiaries of Benjamin Netanyahu’s regime. Over the past four weeks, as Israel has engaged in wholesale destruction in Gaza, Canada’s representatives, both high-ranking and low-ranking, have been preoccupied with serving Israel’s interests rather than the Canadians they are meant to represent.

Disturbingly, when confronted with questions about whether Canada agreed to transport Israeli reservists back to Israel on Canadian military aircraft, Trudeau’s diplomats have remained silent. This refusal to answer detailed inquiries raises serious concerns about Canada’s complicity in the genocide of Palestinians and the suffering endured by besieged Canadians in Gaza. The stain and disgrace of Canada’s glaring complicity lies squarely on Prime Minister Trudeau, who, in a performative act of empty solidarity, met with Palestinian Canadians in Toronto while his diplomats unquestioningly carried out Israel’s bidding.

The revelation of Canada’s subservience to Israel’s needs and genocidal designs came to light during a press conference on October 13. Two Canadian diplomats and a senior military officer acknowledged that Canada had agreed to Israel’s request, made through Global Affairs Canada, to transport up to 30 Israeli citizens from Athens to Tel Aviv on Canadian military planes. When asked if these returning Israelis were reservists, the vice admiral’s response was evasive, indicating that it was not Canada’s decision but rather a request from Israel that they had acted upon.

Canada’s compliant media further amplified the narrative by publishing positive profiles of Israeli Canadian reservists, without raising any concerns about the appropriateness or legality of Canadians aligning themselves with a foreign military engaged in the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. This unquestioning approval of Israel’s “right to defend itself” demonstrates the establishment press’s complicity in perpetuating the status quo.

When pressed for answers, Global Affairs Canada spokesperson Pierre Cuguen provided a circumspect response, stating that the repatriated Israelis were “Israeli nationals” including a surgeon and diplomats, but not explicitly reservists or military personnel. However, Cuguen’s use of the word “explicitly” leaves room for doubt, as another spokesperson confirmed that they did know who the Israelis were. This lack of transparency and refusal to provide answers to critical questions raises serious concerns about Canada’s involvement in repatriating Israeli soldiers to Israel using Canadian resources.

Numerous other questions posed to Global Affairs Canada went unanswered, including the agency or department within the Israeli government that made the request, the exact nature of the request, and why Canada, rather than Israel, took responsibility for repatriating “Israeli citizens.” The cost of these repatriation efforts and the number of times Canada has agreed to similar requests from Israel also remain undisclosed. The refusal to provide these essential details only serves to deepen suspicions of Canada’s complicity.

In an attempt to hold Canada’s diplomats accountable, efforts to contact Anabel Lindblad, director of media relations and issues management at Global Affairs Canada, were met with silence. This silence extended to crucial questions regarding the safe travel of Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, a world-renowned humanitarian and Palestinian Canadian, to Gaza to comfort his devastated family members. Abuelaish, who has previously experienced the loss of loved ones due to Israeli shelling, represents the urgent need for Canada to prioritize the well-being of its own citizens of Palestinian descent.

While Trudeau chose to meet with select Palestinian Canadians in Toronto, his actions and those of his diplomats reveal a pattern of prioritizing Israel’s interests over the lives and well-being of Palestinians. Trudeau’s past broken promises, such as the failure to support the Heal 100 Kids initiative, further cement the perception that Canada’s concern for Palestinians is merely performative.

As Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish prepares to share his experiences and insights before the Belgian Federal Parliament, Trudeau and his diplomats continue to shield and defend Netanyahu’s regime. This complicity stains Canada’s reputation and stands as a disgrace to the values of justice and humanity. It is crucial for Canadians to demand accountability and transparency from their government and to advocate for the rights and well-being of Palestinians caught in the crossfire of this ongoing conflict.

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