Jordan Airdrops Urgent Medical Supplies to Gaza Field Hospital amid Humanitarian Crisis

In a show of solidarity, Jordan’s King Abdullah II has announced the airdrop of urgent medical supplies to a field hospital in the war-torn Gaza Strip. The Jordanian air force carried out the operation, delivering vital aid to the hospital that has been operating since 2009. This move comes as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens due to shortages of food, water, electricity, and fuel caused by Israel’s blockade and bombing.

King Abdullah II expressed his commitment to aiding the injured Palestinians, stating, “Our fearless air force personnel air-dropped at midnight urgent medical aid to the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza. This is our duty to aid our brothers and sisters injured in the war on Gaza. We will always be there for our Palestinian brethren.”

Israel’s military also confirmed its coordination with Jordan on the airdrop, which included not only medical supplies but also food. The equipment will be utilized by the medical staff to treat patients in need.

The Jordanian field hospital has recently faced an “existential threat” due to a lack of supplies amid Israeli bombing, according to reports. Humanitarian organizations have raised concerns about the growing crisis in Gaza and called for aid to be delivered safely and swiftly. In a rare joint statement, the heads of 18 United Nations agencies and NGOs condemned the siege on Gaza as “unacceptable.”

This development coincides with United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to the region. Blinken has been on a diplomatic tour, engaging with key stakeholders in Israel, the occupied West Bank, Jordan, and Iraq. Jordan, like other Arab countries, has vehemently condemned Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of at least 9,922 Palestinians.

The airdrop of medical supplies serves as a significant gesture of support for the Palestinians and highlights the critical need for international assistance in addressing the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. Jordan’s dedication to aiding its “brothers and sisters” in Gaza reinforces the importance of global solidarity in times of crisis.

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