Biden Administration Approves $950 Million for Repair and Upgrade of Existing Border Wall

Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker discusses the impact of the border crisis on national security, the FBI’s warning of the increased terror threat in the U.S., and the increase in apprehensions of terror watchlist suspects. The Biden administration has recently approved $950 million in contracts to repair and upgrade parts of the existing border wall construction in Arizona, California, and Texas, according to recent court filings.

The Department of Homeland Security, as reported by The New York Post, states in court documents that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has awarded contracts for repair work and “system attribute installation” in the San Diego, El Centro, El Paso, and Tucson Sectors. Remediation work includes closing gaps, installing gates, and improving roads and drainage systems. “System attribute installation” includes the installation of cameras, roads, and detection technology to enhance the border wall. Other contracts include installing anti-climb features on the wall in San Diego, IT support, and environmental planning. It is important to note that none of the money is awarded for additional wall construction.

The contracts, totaling approximately $950 million, were awarded by CBP in September and are funded from the FY 2020 and FY 2021 congressional appropriations. Unless Congress diverts the money elsewhere, the administration must spend it on its appropriated purpose. The administration has previously attempted to have Congress redirect wall-related funding, but it has not been successful.

The Biden administration halted all additional wall construction after taking office in 2021, criticizing the wall construction under the Trump administration as an example of misplaced priorities and failure to manage migration in a safe, orderly, and humane way. However, last month, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas cited an “acute and immediate need” to waive federal regulations in order to build 20 miles of wall using FY 2019 appropriations in South Texas. This move drew criticism from both Republicans and Democrats, but Mayorkas clarified that there had been no change in the administration’s position and that the construction project was appropriated during the prior administration.

Republicans have been urging the resumption of wall construction amidst the ongoing crisis at the southern border. A GOP-held House legislation passed earlier this year, which would mandate the restarting of border wall construction, but it has not received any Democratic support.

The Biden administration believes that effective border security requires a smarter and more comprehensive approach, including state-of-the-art border surveillance technology and modernized ports of entry. However, they emphasize the need for Congress to provide the necessary funds to implement these tools.

In conclusion, the Biden administration has approved $950 million in contracts for the repair and upgrade of the existing border wall. This decision has drawn criticism from Republicans, who argue for the resumption of wall construction, and has sparked a debate on border security and immigration policies. The administration stands by its approach of a smarter and more comprehensive border security strategy while calling on Congress to provide the funds needed for implementation.

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