Arrest of Terror Suspect at Southern Border Raises National Security Concerns

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd has highlighted the national security concerns surrounding the southern border. Recently, federal immigration authorities arrested an illegal immigrant who was wanted in Senegal for alleged terrorist activities. This arrest took place two weeks after the individual was released into the country following an encounter with border agents. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced the arrest of a 29-year-old “unlawfully present Mauritanian or Senegalese citizen” on October 17. The individual is wanted by Senegalese authorities for criminal conspiracy in relation to a terrorist organization, destruction, degradation, and damages in relation to a terrorist organization, direct provocation of an armed crowd, and acts aimed at compromising public safety.

The individual had initially been encountered by Border Patrol agents at the southern border near Lukeville, Arizona, on October 3. He was processed by officials and served with a Notice to Appear in New York City. Subsequently, he was released on his own recognizance. However, a week after his release, ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations agents informed Enforcement and Removal Operations in New York City that he was wanted on terrorism charges in Senegal. ICE’s New York City Fugitive Operations team then arrested him outside of the Federal Plaza immigration court without incident. He is currently in custody facing deportation proceedings.

ERO New York City Field Office Director Kenneth Genalo emphasized that noncitizens engaged in or suspected of supporting terrorism pose a direct threat to national security and will be promptly removed from the United States. Concerns have been raised about the release of a foreign national who is wanted on terror charges in another country, as it may contribute to fears of terrorists or terror suspects gaining entry through the southern border, especially in the aftermath of the Hamas terror attack against Israel.

Border Patrol agents have previously expressed concerns that unless a migrant has committed a crime in the U.S., agents may not have access to the individual’s criminal history due to limited sharing of databases between countries. Republicans have also voiced concerns about the increasing number of terror watch list encounters and encounters with “special interest aliens” at the southern border, in addition to the large number of illegal immigrants who evade capture.

In a recent memo, CBP warned agents about the potential entry of foreign fighters associated with terror groups like Hamas into the U.S. However, CBP has stated that there have been no indications of such fighters attempting to enter. The Department of Homeland Security’s fiscal 2024 threat assessment highlighted the growing number of individuals on the watch list encountered at the border and cautioned that terrorists and criminal actors could exploit the complex security environment to enter the United States.

DHS has emphasized its “multilayered border security efforts,” including screening and vetting processes. They have assured that encounters with known or suspected terrorists are infrequent. CBP screens and vets every individual encountered, and if there is a potential threat to national security or public safety, appropriate actions are taken in coordination with the Joint Terrorism Taskforce (JTTF).

The arrest of a terror suspect at the southern border has reignited discussions on national security and the effectiveness of border security measures. It underscores the importance of thorough screening and vetting processes to ensure the safety and security of American citizens and residents.

Adam Shaw, a politics reporter for Fox News Digital, primarily covering immigration and border security, contributed to this article. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter. Stay updated with the latest news from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and more political content by subscribing to our newsletter.

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