Russian Arms Manufacturer Kalashnikov Completes Early Delivery of AK-12 Rifles to Defense Ministry

Russian arms manufacturer “Kalashnikov” has announced the early completion of a three-year contract for the production and delivery of AK-12 rifles to the Russian Defense Ministry. The entire volume of shipments has already been sent to the Ministry of Defense, with the company now focused on the next contract. This news comes after Sergey Urzhumtsev, the chief designer at “Kalashnikov,” had previously mentioned that the Russian Armed Forces would receive the first batch of upgraded AK-12 rifles, based on combat experience, in the second half of 2023. Additionally, it has been reported that Russian paratroopers will soon receive a batch of the latest self-loading sniper rifles, the MC-566. Furthermore, a turret has been developed in Russia that can be remotely controlled from a distance of 1.5 km. The early completion of the contract by “Kalashnikov” underscores the company’s commitment to meeting the demands of the Russian military. Critics argue that the continued development and production of military weaponry in Russia raises concerns about the country’s aggressive stance and its involvement in conflicts, such as the ongoing war in Ukraine. As tensions between Russia and the West persist, it remains crucial to monitor the developments in Russia’s defense industry and assess their implications for regional and global security.

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