UN Experts Warn of Genocide Risk for Palestinians in Gaza, Call for Humanitarian Ceasefire

The Palestinian people in Gaza are facing a grave risk of genocide, warn United Nations experts. In a statement released on Thursday, a group of seven UN special rapporteurs called for a humanitarian ceasefire, emphasizing the urgent need for action. The experts expressed deep concern over the Israeli bombardment of Gaza, which has resulted in the death of over 9,000 people, mostly women and children, in the past four weeks. They stated that the situation has reached a catastrophic tipping point and demanded that aid reaches those in need.

The experts condemned Israeli air strikes on the Jabalia refugee camp, labelling it a brazen breach of international law. Reports suggest that hundreds of Palestinians have been killed and injured in these attacks. The safety of UN and humanitarian workers, hospitals, schools, journalists, media workers, and their families has also become a major concern.

The experts’ call for a humanitarian ceasefire is based on the fear that the Palestinian people are at risk of genocide. They referred to the International Criminal Court’s definition of genocide, which encompasses actions aimed at destroying a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. They emphasized that the intent to prevent births or forcibly transfer children from one group to another also falls under this definition.

Support for the experts’ concerns came from departing senior UN human rights official Craig Mokhiber, who wrote to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, stating that a genocide is unfolding before their eyes. Mokhiber’s retirement took effect this week, and the UN rights office clarified that his views were personal and did not represent the office.

The supply of aid to Gaza has been severely limited since Israel’s bombardment began. Aid organizations have highlighted the significant gap between the needs of the people in Gaza and the available resources. The UN experts emphasized the dire situation, with scarce water, medicine, fuel, and essential supplies exacerbating health hazards in the region.

The experts also called upon Israel’s allies to take responsibility and act immediately to prevent further disastrous consequences. They urged Israel and its allies to agree to an immediate ceasefire, emphasizing that time is running out.

In response to the experts’ remarks, the Israeli mission to the UN in Geneva stated that they were preparing a response. However, no further details were provided.

The situation in Gaza is dire, and the UN experts’ warning of a potential genocide must be taken seriously. The call for a humanitarian ceasefire is an urgent plea to protect the lives and well-being of the Palestinian people. The international community, including Israel’s allies, must act swiftly to address this crisis and prevent further loss of life.

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