US Continues Commitment to Nuclear Test Ban Treaty as Anomalies Arise in Missile Testing

The United States has announced its plans to continue abstaining from nuclear test explosions and work towards the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). This commitment was reaffirmed by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, as reported by the Department of State’s press service.

“The US remains committed to the goal of CTBT entry into force,” stated the official.

Blinken confirmed the American administration’s adherence to the moratorium on nuclear test explosions in accordance with the “zero-yield” standard, which has been in effect for 30 years.

“The US does not need and does not plan to conduct any nuclear explosive tests,” he summarized.

Recently, the US Air Force destroyed a Minuteman III missile due to an anomaly detected during a test launch. However, US military officials claim to have obtained valuable data despite the unsuccessful launch. The reasons for the failure will be investigated by a specially created analytical group. More details can be found in the article by “Gazeta.Ru.”

Earlier, military expert Sivkov stated that the US is not prepared for nuclear escalation.

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