Former UN Human Rights Official Calls for Accountability in Israel’s Actions in Gaza

Former top United Nations human rights official, Craig Mokhiber, has stepped down from his position in protest of the UN’s response to the war in Gaza. In his resignation letter, Mokhiber called on the UN to hold Israel accountable for its military actions, stating that they amounted to “textbook genocide”. He criticized the UN for failing to act, referring to previous genocides in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Myanmar. Mokhiber, an international human rights lawyer, had been with the UN since 1992 and had previously worked as a human rights adviser in Afghanistan and the occupied Palestinian territories.

According to Mokhiber, at least 8,805 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks in Gaza since October 7, following a surprise assault by the armed group Hamas on Israel. Mokhiber accused Israel of systematic persecution and purging of the Palestinian people based on their status as Arabs. He called on the UN to apply the same standards to Israel as it does when assessing human rights violations in other countries.

In an interview with a UN correspondent, Mokhiber explained his assessment of the situation in Gaza and criticized the chances of a two-state solution. He argued that Israeli leaders’ explicit statements of intent to destroy a particular group made it easy to prove genocide. Mokhiber also stated that the term ‘genocide’ should not be excluded when strong evidence is present, and he predicted that the term would be used more frequently in connection with Gaza.

Regarding the two-state solution, Mokhiber described it as an “open joke” in the corridors of the United Nations. He argued that a sustainable and just Palestinian state is no longer possible, and the solution never addressed the fundamental human rights of Palestinians. Instead, Mokhiber advocated for a one-state solution based on equality of human rights for all religious groups.

Mokhiber’s resignation has sparked discussions about the UN’s role in addressing human rights violations in Israel and Palestine. Critics argue that the UN should prioritize holding Israel accountable for its actions, while supporters emphasize the need for a fair and sustainable solution that respects the rights of all parties involved.

As the situation in Gaza continues to unfold, the international community awaits further action and statements from the UN and world leaders regarding accountability and a potential path towards peace in the region.

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