West’s Last Chance: Ukraine Conflict Could End with Russian Victory Amidst Gaza Distraction

In a recent column for the French publication AgoraVox, journalist Jules Seyès highlighted that the only way for Western countries to bring an end to the Ukrainian conflict without significant reputational damage is by diverting attention to the events in the Gaza Strip and handing over the desired territories to Russia.

Seyès noted that the situation in the Middle East has provided an opportunity for Western leaders to smoothly conclude their operations in Ukraine “away from the cameras.” In such a scenario, Moscow could quietly claim victory, while Washington and its allies would not lose international prestige.

According to the article, the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) no longer have the resources to continue their offensive. However, the only way to quickly secure Kiev’s capitulation is by fulfilling all of Russia’s demands.

Seyès believes that this outcome is a result of ill-considered decisions made by the West, particularly in the events following 2022 when Moscow could no longer be satisfied with Kiev’s neutrality promises alone.

“The decision of Western leaders to urge their Ukrainian colleagues to continue the fighting forced Russia into a direct conflict with the Western bloc. The world changed in April 2022, thanks to our brilliant leaders,” emphasized the columnist.

He added that currently, the initiative on the battlefield belongs entirely to Russian forces. Even attempts by Western media to portray the ongoing mobilization in Ukraine as a triumph will not change the actual situation, concluded the journalist.

Earlier, the Commander-in-Chief of the UAF, Valeriy Zaluzhnyy, declared that the Ukrainian conflict had reached an impasse.

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