UNICEF Condemns Israeli Strikes on Gaza Refugee Camp

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has dubbed the recent Israeli strikes on the Jebalia refugee camp in Gaza as a massacre. The organization expressed horror at the scenes of devastation emerging from the camp, stating that hundreds of people, including minors, have been injured and killed. While the exact death toll remains unknown, Hamas reported that at least 195 people have died, with 777 others injured in the airstrikes carried out on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Gaza’s Ministry of Interior Affairs initially reported that at least 400 people were either killed or injured in the airstrikes on Jebalia. Later, an Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson confirmed that the camp was targeted in an attempt to eliminate a Hamas commander. He described the civilian casualties as a tragedy but placed the responsibility for their deaths on the leadership of the Palestinian movement.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights warned on Wednesday that the Israeli shelling of the Jebalia refugee camp could potentially amount to a war crime. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has long been a source of tension and clashes in the Middle East, driven by territorial interests. While the UN had originally called for the creation of both Palestine and Israel in 1947, only the latter was established.

The recent escalation began on October 7th when Israel faced an unprecedented rocket attack from Gaza. Following the extensive bombardment, Hamas fighters infiltrated border areas in the south of the Jewish state, targeting both military and civilian populations and taking hostages. Hamas’ military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, announced the “Sword of Jerusalem” operation. In response, the Israel Defense Forces launched the “Operation Guardian of the Walls” in Gaza.

Over the course of several days, Israeli forces gained control over all border towns and began conducting airstrikes on various targets, including civilian infrastructure, within the enclave. Additionally, Israel declared a complete blockade on Gaza, halting the supply of water, food, electricity, medications, and fuel. The death toll in Gaza has now surpassed 8,500, with over 21,000 people injured. In Israel, more than 1,400 people, including 20 Russians, have been killed. Furthermore, it is estimated that around 240 individuals are currently held captive by Hamas.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on all parties to cease hostilities. President Vladimir Putin’s position is that the Middle East crisis can only be resolved based on the UN Security Council’s approved “two-state” formula, which entails the creation of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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