Growing Rights Violations and Deaths in Israeli Prisons Raise Concerns over Palestinian Prisoners’ Safety

Since October 7, testimonies and reports have highlighted a surge in rights violations within Israeli jails, with Palestinian prisoners being subjected to beatings, withholding of medication, and other forms of abuse. The situation has raised concerns among human rights groups and advocates, who argue that any Palestinian in Israeli custody is currently at risk of death.

The violence began on October 8, when Israeli special forces units raided the cells of Gilboa prison and violently beat Palestinian prisoners held there. Former prisoner Salah Fateen Salah, who was released from Gilboa on October 24 after five years in prison, recounted the horrifying experience. He described how prisoners were ordered to kneel down with their hands on their heads before being brutally beaten by Israeli forces. The beatings continued for days, with reports of elderly and sick prisoners being targeted.

Since then, two Palestinian prisoners have died while in Israeli custody shortly after their arrest, and dozens have been injured. Both men who died were held without trial or charge. Videos have also emerged showing Israeli soldiers physically abusing and humiliating blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinians.

The situation inside Israeli prisons has been described as horrific by prisoner rights groups, lawyers’ organizations, and official institutions. Amani Sarahneh, spokesperson for the Palestinian Prisoners Society, stated that daily mass beatings and death threats against prisoners are occurring. The families of the deceased prisoners believe that their deaths were a result of beatings by Israeli forces.

The Israeli prison services were contacted for comment but did not respond in time for publication. Autopsies were conducted on the deceased prisoners, and the reports are awaited.

Aside from the beatings, Israeli prison authorities have also halted medical attention for prisoners, suspended family and lawyer visits, and reduced outdoor time for prisoners. Cells have become overcrowded, with detainees sleeping on the floor without proper bedding. Basic facilities, such as electricity, hot water, and access to the canteen, have been cut off.

The surge in rights violations comes in the midst of Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which began on October 7. Israeli forces have also intensified nightly raids into Palestinian homes, resulting in a doubling of the number of Palestinians in Israeli custody.

The international community has expressed outrage at the treatment of Palestinian prisoners. Many have called for a ceasefire and an end to U.S. military funding to Israel. The situation has drawn comparisons to the torture carried out by United States forces in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib in 2003.

As concerns over the safety of Palestinian prisoners continue to mount, human rights organizations are demanding answers from Israeli institutions regarding the rights violations captured in the videos of soldiers abusing detainees.

It is important to note that the names of some individuals have been changed to protect their identities.

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