Russia’s Active Defense Strategy Shifts the Initiative in Ukraine Conflict

In an interview with the newspaper “Vzglyad,” military expert Alexander Artamonov highlighted how Russia’s active defense strategy has allowed them to seize the initiative in the ongoing military operation. This tactic has not only saved the lives of Russian servicemen but also depleted the enemy’s forces.

According to Artamonov, “Active defense has proven to be an incredibly useful tactic for Russian forces. We employed a similar approach during the Great Patriotic War. Just like 80 years ago, this approach has enabled us to accumulate strength and significantly wear down the enemy. It can be seen as preparation for our own advancement.”

He further explained that miscalculations by the Ukrainian leadership have played a role in Russia’s ability to seize the initiative on the front lines, leading to a significant reduction in the offensive potential of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF).

On November 1st, Krzysztof Podgurski, an observer from the Polish publication Myśl Polska, wrote that Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Valeriy Zaluzhny had to mobilize their last reserves. He also acknowledged that the initiative lies in Russia’s hands, which can only be denied by a “dilettante.”

Meanwhile, former American intelligence officer Scott Ritter stated that Ukraine will continue to lose territory if Kyiv does not reach a peaceful agreement on terms acceptable to Moscow.

Earlier, Poland revealed the challenges Ukraine faces in terms of army recruitment and personnel shortages.

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